Monday, February 14, 2011

Aaron Rodgers has yet to live up to Brett Favre

I am going to say it right off the bat: I'm ecstatic that the Green Bay Packers beat the Pittsburgh Steelers in Super Bowl XLV cheap jerseys. I am an avid Seahawks fan, and like every other true member of the 12th man, I cringe when I hear the words teelers and superbowl in the same sentence. Some hurt just doesn go away, and being victims of the worst officiated Superbowl in NFL history is a pain that will stick forever. So believe me, I am extremely happy that Aaron Rodgers and the rest of the Pack shut down Steel City, despite a slew of missed holding calls (i.e. guard Chris Kemoeatu).
That being said, a few things are still grinding my gears. First off, it's funny how many Packers fans crawled out of the woodwork after this game, in other words the band-wagoners. Definition: one who jumps on the bandwagon of whoever is doing best at that time. Example: 50 percent of today Patriot and Steeler fans. I couldn count how many times on Facebook I read something to the tune of y Packers did it. This is after never hearing these people claim to be a Cheesehead before now. Yet this is just a minor annoyance compared to the other Packers-related offenses.
I have heard multiple people either flat-out say or insinuate that Rodgers is already the better quarterback than legendary Brett Favre. When I hear these types of things I want to reach out and give whoever said them an open-handed slap to the face. Unfortunately, the Internet doesn have this feature (possible App idea?).
So instead of hitting anyone, I have decided to educate them. First off, no true Packers fan, or football fan for that matter, should speak such blasphemy. Favre fan or not, he still an all-time great, and A-Rod is no legend just yet. One argument people have given is, Rod is only 27 and he already got a Super Bowl ring, while Favre only had one his whole career. News flash, people: Brett Favre was at the ripe old age of 27 when he won his Super Bowl as well. Furthermore, Favre holds almost every major passing record in NFL history. Yes, that includes the interception mark, but he didn throw 336 interceptions without doing other good things to counterbalance them. Otherwise, he wouldn have been on the field. Favre is the definition of toughness, dedication and perseverance. This can all be proven by one game. In last year NFC Championship game against future champion New Orleans Saints, he took perhaps the most horrific beating I ever seen, and still finished the game. I don't think any other player in the league, including Rodgers, would have hung in there like that.
At the end of his career, if Rodgers wins multiple Super Bowls, and if he is even remotely close to Favre records, thenl consider the fact that Rodgers might be the better quarterback, but until then I will not budge. Favre is a legend and, barring Peyton Manning and possibly Tom Brady, better than any quarterback in today NFL.